Habitat for Humanity of Northern Arizona (HFHNA) is a nonprofit organization based in Flagstaff, AZ that helps low-to-moderate income families become homeowners and break the cycle of poverty. We believe creating more affordable homeownership opportunities is critical to building strong and stable communities. HFHNA is a regional affiliate of Habitat for Humanity International, the largest nonprofit homebuilder worldwide.
Anyone can be part of our mission, to create affordable homeownership opportunities for those in need, by becoming a donor, volunteering, advocating for affordable housing, or shopping at our ReStore .
Because of your support…
We have built over 25 homes for local families and are now building multiple small homes a year with the Starter Home Program.
Your donations most recently helped build Sarah a safe, new, affordable home to purchase while building an equity savings for her future. Watch the video (right) to see the moment she found out she was selected to purchase a Habitat Starter Home.
Sarah receiving the news she was selected to purchase Habitat’s second Starter Home!
Executive Director Eric Wolverton with new Starter Home owner Sarah.